The Southwestern Suburban Symphony always needs great folks to fill various roles at our events. Volunteer positions include Ushers, Box Office Staff, Greeters, Parking Lot Attendants, Backstage help, including artist relations, and catering needs in the rehearsal areas. If you are a "people person", have good organizational skills, and enjoy working in the theater this will be a very satisfying way to use your talents to help us grow. And you will hear some marvelous music in the mean time! For more information, please fill out the contact form below. We would love to have you join our great team!
The Southwestern Suburban Symphony has arrived in the Southwestern suburbs of Milwaukee. Our mission is to entice and entertain our local residents with instrumental and vocal music that will inspire them, touch their hearts, and bring joy to their lives as only great “live” music can! The fully professional orchestra of the area’s finest instrumentalists led by Executive Director Christine Flasch is committed to presenting a broad variety of superb performances in the southwestern suburbs.
Ticket sales cover only a small portion of our cost. We rely on people like you who understand and support our passion to enrich the lives of our community through the power and performance of live music.
We thank you for your support
Donation Levels
Concert Underwriter
$10,000.00 and above
- Receive 6 Dress Circle Tickets
- Personal” Meet and Greet” with the artist(s) before or after the performance
- Recognition at the performance; prominent acknowledgement in the program
- Full page ad in program for your business
Bravo Circle
$5000,00 and above
- Receive 4 Dress Circle Tickets
- Prominent acknowledgement in the program
- Half page ad in program for your business
$1000.00 and above
- Receive 2 free Concert Tickets
- Quarter page ad in program for your business
- Prominent acknowledgement in the program
$500.00 and above
- Receive 1 free concert ticket
- Listing in the program
$25.00 and above
- Listing in the Program
Contact us at
By phone at:
Or click on the link below to make your supporting donation today.
Program Advertising
Advertise in our upcoming production of Hansel & Gretel!
Your add will be featured in the program for our upcoming production of Hansel & Gretel. Directed by Bruce Bruce Donnell, formerly with the MET and currently with the Santa Fe Opera, This event is sure to be a memorable event for all.
Full Page Back Cover $300
Full Page Inside ad $200
Half Page ad $150
Quarter Page ad $100
Pay on line via the link above or mail your payment along with ad copy to:
For more information, contact us at:
Or call : 262-717-5199